Hanny Youdel

How Performance Enhancing Drugs became Part of our Work Life

The job market is an endless race, and at the same time we are expected to have a perfect family and work out. It was only a matter of time until performance enhancing drugs, widely used in competitive sports, will find their way to the office: who needs 18 cups of coffee when you can self-prescribe Ritalin?

What Would Life Without Death Be Like? It doesn’t look good

Science has managed to reduce mortality rates and has led to a sharp increase in average life expectancy. But now it seems we are at the threshold of a new era in which life will be prolonged by decades. So how would a life without an expiration date look like – and what is the price we would have to pay?

Facebook Encourages Radicalization and Polarization

This is not what Mark Zuckerberg intended: Instead of connecting people around the world, Facebook has become a source for polarization and angst, where people come to hear ideas similar to their own and always left frustrated

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Forbes presents its’ most extensive doctors list, which includes 1,530 doctors from 37 specializations and 177 sub-specializations